Tag Archives: Star Wars Episode VI the Return of the Jedi

Did you see the new tralier for Star Wars Episode VII?

storm2Did you see it last night? The latest trailer for Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens came out last night and it was brilliant! We got to see some stunning scenery as well as some of the new characters and of course right at the end there was Chewbacca and a very gray-haired Han Solo.  The trailer opens on the scrap yard desert planet of Jakku.  The scenery is stunning as we track a speeder passing by a downed X-Wing fighter and then a half buried star destroyer.  We then get a glimpse of Darth Vaders melted mask and helmet which looks more like a skull, we then fade a again to see a robed figure stretch out his robotic arm to stroke R2-D2’s dome while they sit beside a fire, we then see Luke’s first lightsaber (Anakins lightsaber)  being given to someone, possibly Princess Leia, then we see an extended clip of the X-wings flying over a lake that we first saw in the first trailer.  It then switches to shots of the baddies and things blowing up.  The new Sith looks cool with a hint of Darth Raven about him plus that awesome lightsaber that he uses.  Also plenty of shots of the new stormtrooper and a new insignia for the Empire.  We then end with the millennium Falcon being chased by TIE fighters through a derelict spaceship, a scene that looks very similar to Return of the Jedi when the Falcon is flying through the super structure of the Death Star, we then end with Chewbacca and a very old-looking Han Solo who seem to be on the Millennium Falcon.  All the way through the clip we hear Luke talking, giving the same line he used in Return of the Jedi when he tells Leia that they are brother and sister. So far it looks like J.J. Abrams is doing a fine job and if rumours are true we might be seeing another trailer attached to Avengers : Age of Altron.  I don’t usually say this but HURRY UP DECEMBER!!!!!

May the force be with you…….. The Library Jedi

Fair well Nien Nunb, May the force be with you

Nien NumbSad new for Star Wars fans today as we learn of the death of Richard Bonehill. Richard appeared in both Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi playing a number of roles such as a stormtrooper, TIE fighter pilot, Rebel soldier, Tauntaun handler and probably the character he is is most known for Nien Nunb.  As most die-hard star wars fans know Nien Nunb was the co-pilot in the Millennium Falcon with Lando Calrissian during the attack on the second Death Star.

Nien Nunb was a Sullustan smuggler from Sullust. He began his career as a freighter pilot for the SoroSuub corporation, but as the corporation started to side with the new Galactic Empire, Nien formed a group who’s mission was to rise up and fight the SorroSuub corporation. He eventually joined the Rebel Alliance and was chosen by Lando to co-pilot the Falcon during the Battle of Endor and the attack on the second Death Star.  Later after the war Nien became administrator and then later part owner of the spice mines of Kessel with Lando.

As well as his parts in the Star Wars films Richard Bonehill worked as an actor, fencing coach and sword master on many films and television series.  He appeared in “The Avengers”, “Rob Roy“; “The Count of Monte Cristo“; “Robin Hood“; “Jason and the Argonauts“; and “Doctor Who“.