Tag Archives: T-65 X-Wing

Did you see the new tralier for Star Wars Episode VII?

storm2Did you see it last night? The latest trailer for Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens came out last night and it was brilliant! We got to see some stunning scenery as well as some of the new characters and of course right at the end there was Chewbacca and a very gray-haired Han Solo.  The trailer opens on the scrap yard desert planet of Jakku.  The scenery is stunning as we track a speeder passing by a downed X-Wing fighter and then a half buried star destroyer.  We then get a glimpse of Darth Vaders melted mask and helmet which looks more like a skull, we then fade a again to see a robed figure stretch out his robotic arm to stroke R2-D2’s dome while they sit beside a fire, we then see Luke’s first lightsaber (Anakins lightsaber)  being given to someone, possibly Princess Leia, then we see an extended clip of the X-wings flying over a lake that we first saw in the first trailer.  It then switches to shots of the baddies and things blowing up.  The new Sith looks cool with a hint of Darth Raven about him plus that awesome lightsaber that he uses.  Also plenty of shots of the new stormtrooper and a new insignia for the Empire.  We then end with the millennium Falcon being chased by TIE fighters through a derelict spaceship, a scene that looks very similar to Return of the Jedi when the Falcon is flying through the super structure of the Death Star, we then end with Chewbacca and a very old-looking Han Solo who seem to be on the Millennium Falcon.  All the way through the clip we hear Luke talking, giving the same line he used in Return of the Jedi when he tells Leia that they are brother and sister. So far it looks like J.J. Abrams is doing a fine job and if rumours are true we might be seeing another trailer attached to Avengers : Age of Altron.  I don’t usually say this but HURRY UP DECEMBER!!!!!

May the force be with you…….. The Library Jedi

Welcome to the Library, I`m your Library Jedi

jedi vs vikingA massive welcome to all our new and returning students!  I hope you have all had a most excellent summer!  As the Rolling Stones once said “Please allow me to introduce my self”.  My name is Tim Harris and have been working at Brunel University Library now for well over 14 years.  I work in the library as an Information Assistant, as well as the university Mace Bearer, musician, Singer song writer and Jedi.  That’s right you eyes did not deceive you I am Brunel’s very own Jedi Knight or as most people know me “The Library Jedi”  That’s me in the picture above fending off a vicious Viking from the Norwegian Society during Human Book Day.  I write blogs for the library as well as on my own star wars site where you can follow-up the latest of rumours about the up and coming Star Wars Episode VII as well as anything else of interest from the Star Wars universe.

There has been this week some interesting news about the new film.  There has been some new pictures leaked from the location filming at Greenham common and there has been new plot information.  The Greenham common pictures show what looks like a new base for the republic showing several of the new design X-Wings plus a snazzy looking black and bronze X-wing as well as the Millennium Falcon.  We also had an update on what Luke Skywalker has been up to and his role in the film.  Looks like he is even more powerful than his father and that he has been hounded my the inquisitors.  The first lot of rumours about the new film made me a bit nervous as they were quite far-fetched even for the Star Wars universe but the rumours that are now appearing are making me feel much better.  If JJ Abrams does mess it up he better watch his back as Boba Fett will be hunting him down!!!!!  Also news has just come out that one of the stand alone films will be about my favourite Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi will be getting his own stand alone film!!!!!

If you want to be kept updated on the latest Star Wars news just book mark my link https://lbsrtch.wordpress.com.  Finishing on a non Star Wars note click on the following link for the Library Song video.  Written and performed by yours truly and featuring many of the staff from the library.  Have a good first week at Brunel University and May the Force Be With You!!!!!

Am I the only one getting put off the new film by all these plot details?

cropped-i-love-princess-leia-mug.jpgSitting out in the back garden yesterday having a coffee and a cigarette I come across the new plot details for episode VII and a near animal growl animates from my mouth!!!!!  If you haven’t heard the news the latest plot is as follows

After the opening crawl updating us on what’s been happening since Return of the Jedi the camera pans down not to a space ship but a severed hand holding a lightsaber.  This hand and lightsaber some how survives re entry to a desert planet and are found by Daisy Ridleys and John Boyega charcters.  They know the lightsaber is a relic of the past and decide to try and find the owner.  In their travels they come across Han Solo and Chewbacca who are no longer piloting the Falcon????  Han recognises the lightsaber as the one Obi Wan Kenobi gave to Luke Skywalker.  Han has not seen Luke since the battle of Endor so they all go on a hunt to find Luke.  Meanwhile what’s left of the Empire are building a new secret super weapon on some ice planet.


Ive got one or two problems with this!!!!  How does a hand survive re entry through a planets atmosphere???  If the lightsaber Han recognises is the one originally built by Anakin Skywalker then how did it survive the fall through the planet Bespins core????  and then reach outer space.  Also a Jedi’s lightsaber is not indestructible and again that begs the differ on how it survived re entry in a planets atmosphere?  Also what’s been happening since Endor?  At the end of Return of the Jedi everyone from Bespin to Coruscant to Naboo were celebrating the fall of the Empire! so its sounds like everything did not go quite to plan for the Rebellion.  Then there the new superweapon that’s being built.  Its much smaller then the Death Star but it can destroy whole solar systems not just planets.  This smacks of the Sun Crusher which was not a very large ship but could take out whole solar systems just by making the systems sun go super nova.  The story also smells like a revamp of episode VI with very similar characters on a very similar quest.

But again all these rumours could be false just a red herring to taste the waters of all us Star Wars fans out there.  I`m gonna keep reading the rumours as they come up even if they make me mad and want to send Boba Fett after JJ Abrams.  We will just have to sit tight and wait for when the movie hits the cinema and probably all these worries will be for nothing.

On other news yesterday we got to see the new design for the X-Wing which many of us (even my good self) mistook for a Z-95 Head Hunter!

Till next time. May The Force Be With You!!!!!