Tag Archives: Lando Calrissian

Fair well Nien Nunb, May the force be with you

Nien NumbSad new for Star Wars fans today as we learn of the death of Richard Bonehill. Richard appeared in both Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi playing a number of roles such as a stormtrooper, TIE fighter pilot, Rebel soldier, Tauntaun handler and probably the character he is is most known for Nien Nunb.  As most die-hard star wars fans know Nien Nunb was the co-pilot in the Millennium Falcon with Lando Calrissian during the attack on the second Death Star.

Nien Nunb was a Sullustan smuggler from Sullust. He began his career as a freighter pilot for the SoroSuub corporation, but as the corporation started to side with the new Galactic Empire, Nien formed a group who’s mission was to rise up and fight the SorroSuub corporation. He eventually joined the Rebel Alliance and was chosen by Lando to co-pilot the Falcon during the Battle of Endor and the attack on the second Death Star.  Later after the war Nien became administrator and then later part owner of the spice mines of Kessel with Lando.

As well as his parts in the Star Wars films Richard Bonehill worked as an actor, fencing coach and sword master on many films and television series.  He appeared in “The Avengers”, “Rob Roy“; “The Count of Monte Cristo“; “Robin Hood“; “Jason and the Argonauts“; and “Doctor Who“.

The first stand alone Star Wars movie. Will it be about Han Solo?


A happy new year to all you Star Wars fans out there. I hope you all had a good one!  With February drawing near the filming of the first of the standalone Star Wars films will begin. If rumours are correct the film will be about, as Boba Fett calls him “That old space bum” Han Solo. There has been a lot of speculation on what part of his life the film will focus on.  My thoughts are that the film will focus on how Han Solo became the Han Solo we all have become to love.  Hopefully we will get to see him as a young man and the events that led him to become a smuggler and on how he met his best friend Chewbacca and how he got his hands on the Millennium Falcon. Of course the following is from the Star Wars extended universe which is no longer canon, so how much of his life’s history will change we wont know until the film comes out on 2016

Han Solo was born on Corellia and was orphaned at an early age.  Found at a space port by Garris Shirke, a Fagan type of character Han wan was taught the arts of the pick pocket.  As he got older he was used in a number of schemes and cons.  Han was befriended by Shirke’s ships cook a wookie called Dewlanna who taught him the wookie language of Shyriiwook and started his long time love of the wookies.  After many years Han was able to leave Shirkes gang and ended up at the imperial academy on Coruscant where Han went into imperial training to become a fighter pilot.  Han finished top of his class and left the academy as a Lieutenant, but his career was short lived when he stunned his commanding officer who was beating the wookie Chewbacca.  For saving his life Chewbacca owed Han a life debt and together they went on the run becoming smugglers.  Han Solo would eventually become the owner of the Millennium Falcon which he won at a game of sabacc of Lando Calrissian who would become a life long friend.  The rest Of Hans life is well known after he accepts to take an old wizard, a young man and two droids to the Alderaan system.

So hopefully when Star Wars episode VII The Force Awakens comes out we might be seeing the first trailer for the first of the Star Wars standalone films.


May the Force be with you…….

Its a wrap!!!!!

Jango and clones  Its official, the filming for Star Wars episode VII has finally finished!  An article was published showing a letter that was given to everyone who worked on the film as well as a cleanly shaven Mark Hamill!  Hopefully it wont be long till we get our first trailer and some information on what the plot is.  So what have we learned so far….. Not a lot really, rather a lot of rumour and hardly no actual hard facts.  So hears what we have learnt so far……

In a galaxy far far away……..

It has been 30 years since the destruction of the 2nd Death Star and the Empire has been beaten back to a couple of loyal galaxies.  The Galactic Republic has now taken its rightful place and Princess Leia Organa Solo is now in charge.  Han Solo and Chewbacca have both retired from service with the Alliance.  The Sith have risen from the ashes and have sent out their inquisitors to search and destroy Luke Skywalker.  For the last ten years Luke has gone into hiding on the Sith home world to try to find a way to destroy the Sith once and for all.  Mean while on a desert planet the daughter of Leia and Han comes upon a downed TIE fighter and it pilot.  She rescues the pilot who is having second thoughts about serving the Empire.  On their travels they discover a lightsaber that once belonged to Luke Skywalker.  With the help of Leia, Han, Chewbacca, Lando and some friends along the way they go looking for Luke Skywalker so they can defeat the Empire and their new weapon of mass destruction forever……..

I’m looking forward to this film for several reasons.  One I`m a massive Star Wars geek and Two most of the filming has been done on location.  Its going to be good to see all the old characters back together again and the introduction of the next lot of star wars heroes and villains. Thou I was a little disappointed that Lucas and Disney have changed what’s Star Wars cannon and what’s Star Wars legends I don’t think we will be disappointed.  Other great news that nearly had me wetting my self is the talk of a trilogy of my favourite Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi with Ewan McGregor once again reprising the role!

So with nearly a year to go till we get to see Star Wars Episode VII here’s the Library Jedi signing off for now and May the Force be with you….Always.

Do you need a hand?

hand   At the time of writing this piece a  recent article came out and we were shown what could be possibly Luke Skywalker‘s new cybernetic hand.  This has now turned out to possible be the arm of one of the main Inquisitors.  All through the Star Wars universe there are characters with various cybernetic replacements and enhancements.

Luke Skywalker

Luke’s lost his right hand during the duel with his father Darth Vader on Bespin.  After his rescue by Lando, Leia and Chewbacca Luke had a cybernetic hand fitted to replace it on board the rebel ship Redemption.  During their escape from Jabba the Hutt Luke’s cybernetic hand was damaged by a shot from Taym Dren-garen.

Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader

During the first battle of Geonosis Anakin and Obi-Wan followed Count Dooku to his secret hanger.  During the dual there Anakin lost his right arm just below his elbow.  He soon received a cybernetic replacement but decided not to cover it with synthflesh instead wearing a black gauntlet over it.  As Darth Vader during his dual with Obi-Wan Kenobi on the planet Mustafar Obi-Wan bested him and in one blow chopped off Darth Vader’s surviving arm and both of his legs.  Leaving Darth Vader to die on a laver bank the resulting to him being burned alive.  It was only his strength in the Force that kept Darth Vader alive.  Darth Vader was rescued by Darth Sidous and was taken to the Surgical Reconstruction Centre on Coruscant and was rebuilt and a life support unit built into his suit to keep him alive.

General Grievous

Grievous nearly lost his life in a shuttle crash orchestrated by Count Dooku.  His whole body was replaced with cybernetics just leaving his brain, eye’s, heart and stomach.  The technology used to rebuilt Grievous would later be used on Darth Vader.

Clone Commander Wolffe (CC-3636)

During the Battle of Khorm Clone Commander Wolffe lost his right eye to Asajj Ventress.  It would later on be replaced by a silver cybernetic one.

Sith Lady Lumiya

During a dog fight her fighter was shot down by Luke Skywalker.  Her barely alive body was discovered by Darth Vader who had her rebuilt using advanced cybernetics which left her more machine then woman.


Lobot was the chief administrative aide to Baron Administrator Lando Calrissian on Cloud City over the planet Bespin.  As a young man Lobot was arrested and convicted for stealing.  Lobot was sentenced for 15 years involuntary service to the citizens of Cloud City.  He had a Biotech Aj^6 Cyborg head band fitted to his skull and connected to his brain.  This made him connected to the main computer of cloud city making him very intelligent and able to communicate with the city computer and all its systems.




“Whats the Empire done for us?”

cropped-old-star-wars-baddy.jpg  Just imagine the scene.  A group of fighters from the Rebel Alliance gathered around a holo projector While Mon Mothma and General Madine go through their plan to kidnap Grand Moff Tarkin.

Mon Mothma: We’re getting in through the underground heating system here, up through into the main audience chamber here, and Tarkin’s bed room is here.  Having grabbed Tarkin, We inform the Emperor that Tarkin is in our custody and forthwith issue our demands.  Any Questions? 

Luke Skywalker: What exactly are the demands?

General Madine: We’re giving the Emperor two days to dismantle the entire apparatus of the Galactic Empire, and if he doesn’t agree immediately, we execute Tarkin.

Han Solo: Cut Tarkins head off?

Mon Mothama: Cut all his bits off.  Send ’em back on the hour every hour.  Show them we’re not to be trifled with.

General Madine: Also, we’re demanding a ten foot mahogany statue of Princess Leia in her slave out fit she wore for Jabba.

ALL: Laughing 

Wedge Antilles: What? They’ll never agree with that General

General Nadine: That’s just the bar — a bargaining counter.  And of course. we point out that they bear full responsibility when we chop Tarkin up. and that we shall not submit to blackmail!

ALL: No blackmail!

General Madine: They,ve bled us white, the poodo.  They’ve taken everything we had, and not just from us, from our fathers, and from our fathers’ fathers

Wedge Antilles: And from our fathers’ fathers’ fathers.

General Madine: Yeah!

Wedge Antilles: And from our fathers’ fathers’fathers’ fathers.

General Madine: Yeah.  All right. Wedge.  Don’t labour the point.  And what have they ever given us in return?

Biggs Darklighter: A stable Economy

General Madine: What?

Biggs Darklighter: A stable Economy

General Madine: Oh. Yeah, year.  They did give us that.  Uh, that’s true. Yeah.

Lando Calrissian: Advancements in technology

Wedge Antillies: Oh, yeah, the advancements in technology, General.  Remember what the city used to be like?

General Madine: Yeah.  All right. I’ll grant you the stable economy and the advancements in technology are two things the Empire has done.

Lobot: And the Hyper Space lanes

General Madine: Well, yeah.  Obviously the Hyper Space Lanes, I mean the Hyperspace lanes go without saying, don’t they:  But apart from the stable economy, the advancements in technology, and the Hyperspace lanes– 

Arvel Crynyd: Jobs.

 Biggs Darklighter:  Advanced cybernetics and medicine.

 ALL: Huh? Heh? Huh….

Bren Derlin: Education.

All: Ohh…

General Madine: Yeah, yeah.  All right. Fair enough.

Wes Janson: And the wine.

ALL: Oh, yes. Yeah…

Mon Mothama: Yeah.  Yeah, that’s something we’d really miss, General, if the Empire left.  Huh.

Wess Janson: and it’s safe to walk in the streets at night now, General.

Mon Mothama: Yeah, they certainly know how to keep order.  Let’s face it.  They’re the only ones who could in a galaxy like this.

ALL: Hehh, heh.  Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh.

General Madine: All right, but apart from the stable economy, the advancements in technology, and the Hyperspace lanes, jobs, advanced cybernetics and medicine and public health, What has the Empire ever done for us?

Lobot: Brought peace.

General Madine: Oh. Peace?  Shut up?

I’ve taken one or two liberties from Monty Pythons Life of Brian there but I think you see where I going.  Ok the Empire were a bit on the naughty side but in some ways they did better the galaxy.   Cybernetics were advanced thus helping people who would no longer be able to have a normal life could now have whole life support machines built into them thus leaving them to carry on a normal life.  Technology for one had not really changed in the last 1000 years but when The Galactic Empire was in charge all sorts of new and approved technology came up, look at the space crafts that appeared and lets not forget the Death Star.   In the Maw installation Grand Moff Tarkin kept some of the most brilliant minds working on new weapons of destruction.  Even education got a boast from the Empire, what with all the new Imperial academy’s popping up.  Also because of the huge scale of the new Imperial army and navy, new ships had to be built thus creating jobs for people and business’s recovering from a war.  Also because of all the planets that were now part of the Empire new hyperspace routes were opened up plus with all these new planets came new fashions. arts and of course wine!  But lets not forget the one big thing the Empire did do for the galaxy…..it brought peace!!!!!!

Once more, the Sith will rule the galaxy… And we shall have peace.Palpatine