Tag Archives: Taym Dren-garen

Do you need a hand?

hand   At the time of writing this piece a  recent article came out and we were shown what could be possibly Luke Skywalker‘s new cybernetic hand.  This has now turned out to possible be the arm of one of the main Inquisitors.  All through the Star Wars universe there are characters with various cybernetic replacements and enhancements.

Luke Skywalker

Luke’s lost his right hand during the duel with his father Darth Vader on Bespin.  After his rescue by Lando, Leia and Chewbacca Luke had a cybernetic hand fitted to replace it on board the rebel ship Redemption.  During their escape from Jabba the Hutt Luke’s cybernetic hand was damaged by a shot from Taym Dren-garen.

Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader

During the first battle of Geonosis Anakin and Obi-Wan followed Count Dooku to his secret hanger.  During the dual there Anakin lost his right arm just below his elbow.  He soon received a cybernetic replacement but decided not to cover it with synthflesh instead wearing a black gauntlet over it.  As Darth Vader during his dual with Obi-Wan Kenobi on the planet Mustafar Obi-Wan bested him and in one blow chopped off Darth Vader’s surviving arm and both of his legs.  Leaving Darth Vader to die on a laver bank the resulting to him being burned alive.  It was only his strength in the Force that kept Darth Vader alive.  Darth Vader was rescued by Darth Sidous and was taken to the Surgical Reconstruction Centre on Coruscant and was rebuilt and a life support unit built into his suit to keep him alive.

General Grievous

Grievous nearly lost his life in a shuttle crash orchestrated by Count Dooku.  His whole body was replaced with cybernetics just leaving his brain, eye’s, heart and stomach.  The technology used to rebuilt Grievous would later be used on Darth Vader.

Clone Commander Wolffe (CC-3636)

During the Battle of Khorm Clone Commander Wolffe lost his right eye to Asajj Ventress.  It would later on be replaced by a silver cybernetic one.

Sith Lady Lumiya

During a dog fight her fighter was shot down by Luke Skywalker.  Her barely alive body was discovered by Darth Vader who had her rebuilt using advanced cybernetics which left her more machine then woman.


Lobot was the chief administrative aide to Baron Administrator Lando Calrissian on Cloud City over the planet Bespin.  As a young man Lobot was arrested and convicted for stealing.  Lobot was sentenced for 15 years involuntary service to the citizens of Cloud City.  He had a Biotech Aj^6 Cyborg head band fitted to his skull and connected to his brain.  This made him connected to the main computer of cloud city making him very intelligent and able to communicate with the city computer and all its systems.